Stichting Captain Hoek

Stichting Captain Hoek is een stichting opgericht door Jan Hoek met als doel bepaalde groepen in de samenleving door middel van kunst en media een betere plek te geven.

Het bestuur bestaat uit:

- Yasmine Abiadh, voorzitter (campagnemanager BKB)

- Cecile Wentges, penningmeester (founder Get Lost Cultural Agency)

- Marein Roelandschap, secretaris (jurist)

- Marloes van Vugt, algemeen bestuurslid (zelfstandig adviseur kunstsector)


Rekeningnummer: NL91TRIO0379485486 t.n.v. Stichting Captain Hoek

KVK: 72192887

RSIN: 859023953

BTW-nummer 859023953B01


Stichting Captain Hoek

Noordwal 1

1021 PX Amsterdam

For questions:



Jaarverslag-2022 (pdf | 150 kb)

Jaarverslag-2021 (pdf | 150 kb)
Beleidsplan-2020 (pdf | 4,3 mb)

Jaarverslag-2019 (pdf | 150 kb)

Jaarverslag-2018 (pdf | 150 kb)

Stichting Captain Hoek likes

No Limits! Art Castle

No Limits! Art Castle is the first art space in the Netherlands that stands for an art world without borders. No boundaries between so-called ‘outsider’ artists and the rest of the art world, not between art and design, not between day and night culture or fantasy and reality. Here you can view and buy art. And besides, it is a castle.

The area is part of Sexyland World, located at the river IJ in Amsterdam Noord. You can walk in from Wednesday to Sunday. No Limits! No Limits! Art Castle is open until midnight on weekends. There is always a host who can tell you more about the background of the art and the makers.


Streetwear by Outsider and Insider Artists

Outsider artists tend to be a little bit different. They often operate outside of the mainstream art world. Sometimes they face mental or physical disabilities,homelessness or vulnerability. Outsiderwear is a new collaborative project combining talented outsider artists with a range of fashion designers and creatives, both emerging and established. The result of these experimental collaborations will be shown and sold during the multidisciplinary Outsiderwear Festival, running in the summer of 2021 in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Nijmegen.

Outsiderwear is an initiative of artist Jan Hoek and Foundation Captain Hoek, in collaboration with Foundation M-ODE and Outsider Art Galerie.


Sistaaz of the Castle

This project is the product of an ongoing collaboration between fashion designer Duran Lantink, trans sex worker organization SistaazHood and myself. The Sistaaz are fierce activists, proud to be trans, proud to be sex workers, and even prouder of their stunning sense of style. And they want it to be acknowledged. Most of the girls are homeless, living under a bridge near Cape Town’s (South Africa) Castle of Good Hope.


Mental Superpowers

Lady Gaga, Diane Arbus, Vincent van Gogh, Kurt Cobain – the list of creative geniuses with mental health issues is long and well known. But how do the two relate to one another? Can an mental illness also be seen as a superpower? To answer this question Jan Hoek spent three months living in a psychiatric hospital in Brooklyn, collaborating with the hospital's clients and other unique individuals he met in New York. A comic book and different exhibitions (in psychiatric hospitals for example) are the result.
